Not everything you read online will apply to your situation. There are nuances within the Internal Revenue Code that you must understand. If you get it wrong, it can result in devastating consequences. So, don't go it alone; consult with a tax expert.
Get your tax questions answered by a tax expert in a one-hour tax consultation. With 20+ years of experience in personal, business, and wealth taxes, and 10 years of experience educating the next generation of experts in the tax industry, Sylvia, can answer it all. No question or situation is too tough.
Building wealth, via a diversified asset portfolio or business ownership, comes with a host of tax-related complications beginning with reporting requirements, determining the types of income and how they are taxed, and determining when you should or should not conduct a particular taxable transaction. The more diverse your asset portfolio, or the more your business expands, the more complex your tax picture becomes. A tax expert will help ensure that you are well-informed of your tax requirements and will review any available strategies which could help minimize your tax exposure.
How it Works
Once you complete the form below, you will receive a client engagement letter via DocuSign which will specify the terms of the engagement, and an invoice to pay for the service online via QuickBooks. Click the PDF icon to view a sample client engagement letter related to stock options ​
A secure Client Portal Account will be established for you once the engagement letter has been signed. The account is SSL protected and encrypted to protect your financial information and any documents we share.
A form will become available within your account. You will use this form to list your questions and or description of the scenario at issue. You will also receive instructions for scheduling the virtual meeting.​​​
The information and questions you provide will be used to conduct an analysis of the relevant tax codes, statutes, and cases, to arrive at a recommendation. You will receive a request for additional information and or documentation if it is needed to properly conduct the analysis. Click the PDF icon to view a sample of an additional information request document related to stock options Please note that the time taken to conduct the analysis is pivotal in ensuring that our one hour virtual meeting allows for sufficient time to review the analysis and the recommendation(s). ​​
In a 1-hour virtual appointment, Sylvia will review all the available options with you, and she will help you decide which is the best option for your situation based on your needs, expectations, and wherewithal to pay any potential taxes.​​​​​
Consultation Fee: $500
Notice: If upon review of your questions and or scenario description we determine that the research needed to address your specific situation is outside of the scope of a standard consultation fee, we will send you a new quote. If you decide that you no longer wish to proceed, you will be fully refunded your consultation fee.
5230 Washington Street
Suite 201
West Roxbury, MA 02132